India's very own Personal Tax Brand
Making our knowledge work for you.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Telephone No.  +91 - 89286 24002

Enterprise Tax Solutions

Primarily, our solutions are designed to fulfill the needs of individuals. Since your enterprise is also made up of individuals, you’ll surely find our solutions relevant to your cause too.

Our Enterprise Tax Solutions include the following:

Tax Filing for your Employees

We are the pioneers in tax filing solutions for enterprises’ employees. We were possibly the first Personal Tax brand in India to offer tax filing solutions to employees through corporate platforms. Over the years, scores of enterprises, large & small, have enlisted our services to help their employees file their tax returns smoothly. Our tax filing solutions are characterized by their simplicity, convenience & affordability. Importantly, our client enterprises find our solutions useful since they fulfill the needs of their employees across levels, across locations.

We have diverse efiling solutions for your employees wherein they can either-

  • File their income tax returns by themselves
  • Have their income tax returns filed by us.

We have developed proprietary applications for each of the above efiling solutions.

Thousands of employees across India have used our tax filing solutions to their satisfaction. If you wish to explore using our solutions for your employees, kindly contact us using the form below. You can surely expect to hear from us shortly.

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Fiscal Management Solution for Salaried HNI employees (Senior Management cadre)

We understand that in any enterprise, the needs of employees vary from level to level. Senior management personnel have requirements that are distinctly different from those of employees at lower levels. Every enterprise has a personnel layer at the very top that consists of Salaried High Networth Individuals (Salaried HNI). Based on our experience, we have observed that Salaried HNI profiles are characterized by the following elements:

  • Substantial levels of income.
  • High demand on their time by their professional commitments.
  • Low quantum of time available for fiscal life management.
  • Fiscal life is complex and needs high level of organization & planning in order to be effectively managed.
  • Failure to properly manage fiscal life could cause erosion in networth & pose serious risks arising out of non-compliance.

We have designed a solution, Mr-Personal-CFO, exclusively for Salaried HNI.

About My-Personcal-CFO.

My-Personal-CFO aims at fulfilling Salaried HNI needs in the following areas:

  • Accounting & Networth Assessment.
  • Records Management.
  • Reporting.
  • Compliance.
  • Transaction Advisory.

My-Personal-CFO is characterized by the following features:

  • Knowledge.
  • Experience.
  • Personalized approach.
  • Convenience.
  • Solutions approach.

How will My-Personal-CFO benefit your enterprise?

My-Personal-CFO accords Salaried HNI the luxury of managing their fiscal affairs on a remote control basis without the need for continuous, hands-on involvement. This would immensely benefit your enterprise by allowing your key senior personnel to single-mindedly focus their energies on ascending greater peaks of professional accomplishments & attainment of enterprise goals without being distracted by the concerns of managing their fiscal affairs.

Investing in our Salaried HNI solution may well reap bountiful rewards for your enterprise. Kindly send us the form below to intimate us of your interest in our solution.

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Investment Proof Verification

Investment Proof Verification is a solution that has been designed to help your enterprise to collate & analyse investment proof submitted by employees for payroll tax purposes.

The solution is characterized by:

  • Knowledge.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Quality.
  • Affordability.

Operating features of our Investment Proof Verification solution-

  • Our team will be allocated operating space at your work site/s.
  • Our Help-Desk will manage the process of collection of investment proof documents from employees.
  • Our team of trained specialists will verify the documents for relevance & correctness.
  • Reporting would happen on a daily basis as well as on completion of the assignment.

How will our Investment Proof Verification solution benefit your enterprise?

  • You can now manage the mundane yet critical task of collation & analysis of employees’ investment proof documents smoothly & comprehensively using our trained personnel.
  • You can, consequently, ensure that your own precious resources are put to optimal use.
  • You have the convenience to obtain our services on-site (at your work site/s).
  • You can rely on our trained personnel as well as our well-defined processes to obtain a high degree of accuracy within agreed timelines.
  • Your employees’ satisfaction is sure to translate into benefits for you through enhanced employee morale at the work place.

Kindly send us the form below to intimate us of your interest in our Investment Proof Verification solution.

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Tax Help-Desk

Tax Help-Desk is a solution that has been designed to help your enterprise to manage employees’ queries relating to payroll tax & investments.

The solution is characterized by-

  • Knowledge.
  • Convenience
  • Versatility
  • Confidentiality
  • Quality
  • Affordability

Operating features of our Tax Help-Desk Solution-

Tax Help-Desk offers your enterprise flexibility by being available either on-site or off-site.

  • On-Site Help-Desk
    • Our team will be allocated operating space at your work site/s.
    • Mode of support would be physical, telephonic or via e-mail.
    • Client Reporting would happen on a monthly basis or on completion of the assignment.
  • Off-site Help-Desk
    • Our team would operate out of our office.
    • Mode of support would be telephonic or via e-mail.
    • Client Reporting would happen on a monthly basis or on completion of the assignment.

How would our Tax Help-Desk solution benefit your employee?

  • You can now manage your employees’ payroll tax- & investments-related queries smoothly & comprehensively using our trained personnel.
  • You can, consequently, ensure that your own precious resources are put to optimal use.
  • You have the flexibility to obtain our services either on-site (at your work site/s) or off-site (out of our office).
  • You can opt to use our services for a limited period or on an ongoing basis
  • Your employees’ satisfaction is sure to translate into benefits for you through enhanced employee morale at the work place.

Kindly send us the form below to intimate us of your interest in our Tax Help-Desk solution.

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Tax Workshop

Tax Workshop is a solution that has been designed to help employees in your enterprise gain knowledge of relevant tax matters in an easy-to-learn manner.

This solution is characterized by-

  • Knowledge.
  • Convenience
  • Quality
  • Affordability

Operating features of our Tax Workshop Solution-

  • You can approach us with one or more identified subject area/s for the training programme or use our inputs to help you prepare a relevant list.
  • You can select from a wide array of programmes to maximize results – tax overview for new joinees, tax refreshers for middle-managers & your internal tax team, tax advisory for the senior managers, personalized counseling for senior managers including overseas employees posted in India, sales-linked tax orientation for selling agents.
  • You can choose the type of the programme – one-off programmes (including specially structured programmes) or regular programmes.
  • You can choose the duration & location of the programme.
  • Our programme managers - domain specialists with experience in training - will ensure that you achieve your stated objective

How will our Tax Workshop solution benefit your enterprise?

  • You can now ensure that your employees – across levels - are equipped with the required level of relevant tax knowledge to help them at work and/or in management of their personal finances.
  • You can, consequently, ensure that your own precious resources are put to optimal use.
  • You have the flexibility to obtain our services on a regular or on a one-off basis (including specially structured programmes) & the convenience to choose the duration & location of the programme.
  • You can opt to use our services for a limited period or on an ongoing basis.
  • Your employees’ satisfaction is sure to translate into benefits for you through enhanced employee morale at the work place.

Kindly send us the form below to intimate us of your interest in our Investment Proof Verification solution.

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